
Amanda Todd

This story is about a girl, whose name was Amanda Todd. She suffered bullying and she wanted to die, she tried to commit suicide. At the end  she killed herself because the bullying.

Laia Arias, 2nd B

My reflection about Amanda Todd is very sad. I think people in the world mustn't live Amanda Todd's life.

 Ivan Motolko, 2nd C

Amanda Todd had one big problem and nobody helped her.
Emi Rodrígez, 2nd B

Amanda Todd killed herself. It's a sad story because some people hit Amanda.

Mireia Herrerio, 2nd B

She got into the drugs and into the alcohol.

Paula Hurtado, 2nd B

Amanda Todd wanted help but  she was alone.

Nawab Khan,2nd B

Amanda Todd was a good person but she did a big mistake: she let to post a photo of her boobs.

Joel Puigvert, 2nd B

Amanda Todd commit suicide because she suffered bullying.

Leandro Morales, 2nd D

I think it is a shocking story. This video shows the danger of social Networks.

Berta Arcos, 2nd D

She moved once and again but finally she couldn't go out  home and she committed suicide. 

Rocío Bueno, 2nd D

This story is very sad and a bad story. Bullying is very bad. I liked translating this video.

Marc Frigola, 2nd C

She didn't want to die for that but it was too much, she was lonely, the people was so bad with her every day.
Jade Lam, 2nd D

Amanda did a wrong, you can't talk on a chat with people that you don't meet. I feel bad because I don't want to have this problem, it's terrible. I hate people that want people die!

Judit Ascanio, 2nd A


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FLD - 18th/DEC