
Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill is a celebration in London. It is the largest in Europe. The people get dressed
funny and sexy costumes and there is so loudly music.

In the pictures the people is dressed with exotic clothes. In ones of them, there is a man with a doll onto him and a woman dressed into a giant plant. I would like to go to this carnival.

Facundo Cacace, 2nd B

Important to Caribbean festival arts, like the Luton Carnival, are the ancient African traditions of parading and moving in circles through villages in costumes and masks. Circling villages was believed to bring good fortune, to heal problems, and chill out angry relatives who had died and passed into the next world. Carnival traditions also borrow from the African tradition of putting together natural objects.

Claudia Allmang, 2nd B

The Notting Hill Carnival is in London, it's a most vibrant celebration of diversity, colour and sound. The Carnival is celebrated on 29th and 30th of August. The girls wear costumes and dance, people play the drums, also there are marionettes... People have fun. I'd like to be in this carnival because I like the costumes.

Brian Caparrós, 2nd B

The London Nothing Hill is an annual event which takes places during the bank holiday at the end of August. Nothing Hill carnival has been held on the streets of Nothing Hill. The Caribbean community lead the event. There is a snake with decorations in the floats. The people see the floats and is funny. The characters are dancing. They dress with decorations and swimsuits. Yes, people is having fun. I usually go to the Blanes carnival on sports centre and I'd like going to the Nothing Hill carnival.

Gerard Castañón, 2nd B

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FLD - 18th/DEC