AZA, 2nd A:
Hello, in this year I've learnt more in comparison with last year.
I have improved all the things, but specifically the listening and the writing.
The exams have been easy for me.
The project more or less, but I'm embarrassed in front of my friends.
The essays are easy and the themes, too.
I like my teacher and my teacher assistant, because she teaches very well to me.
I love the exchange with Dutch students, because I've learnt a lot.
I like English very much!
In 2nd ESO I have done many things: Speaking with an English teacher, Projects, Homework, Listening "Dictations" Speaking "Project English teacher"
And all I have good marks.
To do a sentences in English to complete with Spanish to do a good mark.
My marks are very good because I have studied more but in the exams haven't.
My favourites activities are the projects because I speak about My town,Aiguamolls de l'Emporda, etc...
Optional English has been a help to English subject.
I detest the writings.
I like this year because for me has been a little easy.
This year I have improved a lot of. I like this year because I have got better marks than last year.
I have got one Dutch in my house and I've spoken a lot of with him. He is Shashi and in two weeks I'm going to
The Netherlands I'm exciting .
We've done a lot of essays and for me it's easy to write in English.
I like so much English class,because I have learnt more this year with my teacher Mrs Reichardt and with teacher assistant Davina because with she I talk English all the hour and I have improved.
And my favourite English's time is the Friday with the computer.
And with the exams I have learnt more but we done many exams.
We sometimes do the projects and I like them so much.
Also we're done essays and it is very funny and I use the Word Reference when I don't know any word.
And when I do speaking I learn more and I understand everything.
I sometimes like to speak English in the class or with my family.
Before I didn't speak English very well but now I have improvised to speak English and to understand and I improve my marks too.
And before I didn't like to speak English but now I do with my class. In optional English I've improved little the listening and the essays.
This year I have learned a lot,the listening have helped me to try to understand things,and I have learnt to say well the words with a good pronunciation.
I liked doing essays, because we have to do first in draft (the Ist version), after we must correct our mistakes and finally I can write to the computer,because I have learned things that I did wrong.
I liked Davina come to the class because I have learned to pronounce words in English better.
In this English year I think I have improved because the Netherlands, the teacher assistant and all classes in English, have helped to me. Now I speak better than in 1st ESO.
In the exams, my marks are as Russian Mountains because one day I have 9 and another day I have 6, I don't understand it!
I do a lot of essays and projects, and in all the essays and projects I have good mark.
I sometimes like speaking in the class or with my mother.
NAIARA, 2nd B:
My opinion about this 2nd ESO is very nice, because in this course I have improved my English, for example my readings, my speakings... But I have improved much more the exams.
I thought I've improved my English this year because I've listened to Davina (my teacher assistant) and her pronunciation helped me to understand English better.
In the next year I will study and practice more for an excellent.
And thank you Mrs Reichardt for teaching me English these two years, I hope to have you again as an English teacher.
EMMA, 2nd B:
This year was very good. I worked a lot in this subject. I learned a lot with Davina, our Teacher Assistant. The marks were in the same level, than the last year but I feel that I know more things now. The projects and the ESSAYS were very interesting, specially this last term. The readings are a little bit difficult for me but this year I did it very well. The tests all had a question of the irregular verbs and they are easier than the other questions. The tests marks were very well too. Finally, with the sheets of culture I learned a lot of other cultures and festivals...
I liked a lot this year but I'm so sad as the next year we will be separated in different classes...
I think this has been a good year. I've approved all the exams and essays. I have improved my marks. I've improved speaking English and writing. I have done all the homework and the essays.
I think in this year I've progressed very much. The teacher assistant helped me to improve my English, specially in the speaking.
QUIM, 2nd B:
In this year I've learned many things thanks to Davina.
My best mark in the exams has been 9,6 in the LT8.
I like the books I have read. My favourite book was The Canterville Ghost.
For me, the most difficult were the projects, because I was embarrassed.
I always did homework but often I did homework quickly because I am lazy.
For me, Davina has helped to everybody in the class. She has corrected everything we say wrongly. It has been an experience.
ALBERT, 2nd B:
In this year I've learnt more verbs, grammar and vocabulary.
The exams haVe been very easy and the projects too.
I think this year has been good.
I have worked and I 've approved the exams and I'm very happy for it; but I think I need to study more.
CΓLIA, 2nd B:
I think this year has been similar than last year . I think the exams are the best things I have done. Because I study but, also, English is easy for me. When I learn something, then it's easy for me to keep it in my mind. But I must remember it sometimes, because if I don't do it, I will forget it.
I am good at language, specially in grammar. And this helps me to do the writing, the speaking, etc... Because grammar is very important.
I really like this language, and it will be very useful for me. Because a lot of people in the world can speak English: it is one of the most spoken languages in the world.
CAMILA, 2nd B:
In this year I have learnt a lot of English and I think that I have improved a little. I think that for me the most difficult of the English is the writing and sometimes the listening.
This year a teacher assistant has come for doing speaking with her. I like the speaking and I'd want to do more speaking next year.