
The Importance of Shoes with Shoelaces

This text is about the importance of the shoes and the shoelaces in our life and the changes of the style shoes with the age.

I like the shoelaces' video because the boy can tie his shoelaces only moving his foot. 

Judit Ruiz, 2nd C

The text says that knowing tying is very important for a child. 
It also explains the different names that we put on the knots ( rabbit ears or reef knot ) .

Aina Mariages, 2nd A

This text is about the importance of the shoes and the shoelaces,  the different names that we put on the knots.

Aniana Pratsevall, 2nd C

The text is about of the importance of shoes and shoelaces 
for children, for childhood's. The text mention the importance of shoes for adults, too.

Laura Flores, 2nd D
I liked the text because it talks about a simple thing as shoelaces explaining it as something very important in our lives. 
Personally I started to tie my shoelaces alone at four and it was something incredible for me. I started with the 'bunny earsmethode and then I learned a easier method. Now I do it minimum twice a day and I don't think that is something very special like before.
In the video there is a man who tie his shoelaces just moving his foot. I think it's a good trick to tie his shoes and if it's real I think that everyone have to buy one of this.
Suemy Lam, 2nd D
It says that the shoelaces are more important in our childhood because when we are getting older the shoelaces lose their "significance".
Imelda Castañón, 2nd B
This video explains the importance of the shoelaces and the importance to know to tie this. I learnt to tie the shoelaces with the methode "Bunny Ears".
Sara Escudero, 2nd B
In this video there is one man tying his shoelaces without touching his shoes.
Pau Ruiz, 2nd B
Shoes with shoelaces earn their respect by being something which accompany us through each phase of our lives. 
Ana Fernández, 2nd A


Sea of Love by Catpower

Come with me my love to see the sea of love
I  want to tell you how much I love you 
Do you remember when we met that day
I knew you were 
Come with me my love to see the sea of love 

Maria El Maimouni, 2nd D

It's a girl that wants to tell to a boy how much she loves him.

Suemy Lam, 2nd D

Come with me my love to the sea  
The sea of love .

I wanna tell you How much I love you.

Raúl Castillejo, 2nd D

I understand the girl wants the boy to go to see the sea of love together, and the boy remembers when they met, and the girl loves the boy.

Natalia Andrade, 2nd B

Come with me my love to see the sea of love
I wanna tell you how much I love you
Do you remember when we met?
That day I knew you were my half
I wanna tell you how much I love you
Come with me my love to see the sea of love
I wanna tell you how much I love you.

Imelda Castañón, 2nd B

This song is very nice but also boring because it is very slow and  I do not like.the slow songs.

Paula Ribas, 2nd C


The Canterville Ghost

WILDE, Oscar: The Canterville Ghost. 
Oxford University Press. Oxford Bookworms, 2. 
Oxford, 2002

I liked the book because I like mystery and horror stories and this is interesting and some moments is funny.

Imelda Castañón, 2nd C

I liked the book because I liked the story of Virginia and the Ghost, and the story is very interesting because I like ghosts' stories.

Laura Flores, 2nd D

I liked the book because it different I read before. I normally don't like books whit ghost but I like this.

Sara Escudero, 2nd B

I liked this book because a book of ghost I love stories about this.Is interesting because OTIS family aren't frightening of the ghost.

Ismael Sande, 2nd B

I liked this book because it's a different story about ghosts and I like the ghost stories.

David González, 2nd B

I like the book because it talks about one ghost but he aren't frighten the twins.

Pau Ruiz, 2nd B

I love ghost stories and this history is very funny and I understand everything.

Natalia Andrade, 2nd B

I liked this book because it tells a different story of ghosts and is very interesting .

Luis Ramírez, 2nd B

I liked the book because it's about fantasy and horror. The book is funny.

Iris Dias, 2nd C

FLD - 18th/DEC